Welcome to my blog! This random collection of writings is just a small picture on the canvas of my life's journey with God. It is part of a much bigger picture, which He alone is perfecting and bringing together until time of its completion.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Way He Sees You

As I travel my own personal journey of discovering who I am in Christ, it pains my heart to see so many of my fellow sisters battling many of the same battles I have faced and continue to face to this very day. The enemy of our souls loves nothing better than to keep the daughters of God held captive, for then he has nothing to fear. But what if a generation of young women dare to rise up, dare to be different, dare to stand against the status quo? What if they dared to believe the truth and dared to believe and become who God had created and had always meant for them to be? 

The world has come to define us as little more than objects that are to be put out on display, and we have bought into the lies that our beauty is defined by how we look and how we dress. The models of today are held up as standards of perfection, impossible for the human body to attain. Ironically, the models themselves fail to meet the standard society demands. In order to mask the human flaws of imperfection, their images are digitally manipulated until the result no longer bears the reflection of the individual. There is no mercy in the fashion industry. There is no room for imperfection. It is no wonder we have a generation of young women who are desperately giving themselves over to a society who promises to fulfill their deepest unmet longings, and yet leaves them coming up empty every single time. Society heaps its demands opon us, and we give until we have nothing left to give. And what does society do for us then? Nothing. They turn their heads and toss us to the side, leaving us broken and bleeding with wounds that refuse to heal and  souls that refuse to be comforted.

"What then?" we ask. "What hope is there? When that which has promised so much turns its back on us instead?"

It is in this place of brokenness where the Master can whisper the worth of a soul by a simple touch of the Master's hand.

If there was anything I could do, it would be to tell my sister this:

Dear Princess,
Yes, you are a princess, a daughter of the King. Did you know that? It is true. I want to tell you a story, a story that happened long, long ago, but happened nontheless. I hope you stay awhile and listen as I tell it.
Once upon a time, there was a King, and this King dreamed you into being. He formed you in your mother's womb. He knitted and fashioned you together when no one, no one,  not even your own mother, yet knew of your existence. But He knew. And He saw you in that darkest, most secret place. Listen to what He says to you. "My love, I have examined your heart, and I know all there is to know about you. I know when you sit down or when you stand up. I know you're thoughts even when you're far away (and that means even when you have shut down and feel a million miles away). I see you when you travel and when you rest at home. I know everything you do. I know what you are going to say even before you say it, my love. I go before you and follow you. I place my hand of blessing on your head. Nothing can ever separate you from my Spirit! Nothing can ever take you away from My presence! If you go up to heaven, I am there; if you go down to the grave, I am there. If you ride the wings of the morning, even if you dwell by the farthest oceans, even there my hand will guide you, and my strength shall support you. You could ask the darkness to hide you and the light around you to become night - but even in darkness you are not hid from me. To me the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to me. I made all the delicate inner parts of you body and knit you together in your mother's womb. Thank Me for making you so wonderfully complex! My workmanship is marvelous - how well I want you to know it. I watched you as you were being formed in utter seclusion as you were woven together in the dark of the womb. I saw you before you were ever born. Your presence was not hid from me. Every day of your life was recorded in my book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are my thoughts about you, my child. They cannot be numbered! You can't even count them; They outnumber the grains of sand! And when you wake up, I am still with you!"

It is He who calls your name, ever gently still. And it is He who beckons you in tender tones. Will you not answer Him? It is in His arms you will find yourself wrapped in a love that will never let you go. Let yourself fall...fall into His grace...just like a child.

~ Your Sister

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